Christian families pray together and worship together, and the powerful sermons delivered on Sunday can and should have great impact in our lives. These sermons should be reviewed and discussed by the family around the breakfast or dinner table in every Christian home. We urge all Kingdom Men and Women to lead their families in a short review of the Sunday message along with other family prayers and devotions during the week. To facilitate that, the scripture selection, a short summary, and several discussion points will be presented here each week from the previous Sunday Sermon.
28th of May 2017
Scripture for 5/28/17: Psalm 128
Memorial Day of course is observed each year in America to recognize the sacrifice made by military men and women who paid the ultimate sacrifice, their lives, for American freedoms that we are able to enjoy. This Sunday’s scripture might not seem to fit with the Memorial Day observance but Pastor David pointed out that one need only listen to or watch the news to realize that America has “lost its way” and has moved away from its Christian roots. He pointed out that there is little doubt that the founding fathers of this great nation recognized a supreme and omnipotent God and called upon His mercy and grace when setting up this nation and adopting the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution to recognize man’s creation and “inalienable” rights that flow from a merciful and loving “Father”.
Psalm 128 makes clear that blessings and prosperity flow from God to those that “walk in obedience” to God’s words and worship Him (“fear him”). This begins with the individual provided we are obedient to the Word but it extends beyond the individual to the family (“wife” or spouse and children and even to grandchildren, “children’s children”) which will grow and mature along with the obedient individual and as a result that will make a difference in the church (“Zion”) as well as in the community or nation (“Jerusalem”). If we will humble ourselves and live according to God’s Holy Word it will show up in our lives and the lives of our families which will have an impact on our communities and our country. If Christians are tired of seeing our country decline and move away from Christian values then we must start with ourselves and our families and draw together to begin to change this country one person and one family at a time but it will take all professing Christians making a concerted effort to cause change to take place.
If we truly want to honor those that made the ultimate sacrifice for American freedoms we as Christians must live as Christ lived and live out obedience to Christ to help America return to its roots and be a nation that God will bless. We must recognize not only those that died for American freedoms but we should recognize that the one that made the ultimate sacrifice for our eternal freedom was Jesus Christ and we should make sure everyone knows that truth.
14th of May 2017
Scripture for 5/14/17: I Kings 3:16-28
Based on scripture there is no such thing as a perfect mother, father, or child for that matter. In I Kings we find two prostitutes who were new mothers. Both women were loved by God. Only one was a true mother.
As the story goes, both women were living in the same house. One night, one of the sons die and the mother of the dead child exchanged her son with the other mother's child. Upon awaking, both mothers claimed the living baby. They took the matter to King Solomon. Solomon directed to have the baby cut in half and suggests giving each woman half the baby boy. One mother pleaded with the king to let the son live and give him to the other woman. The other woman wanted the child divided. King Solomon said to give the first woman the child because she must be the true mother.
A true mother is committed. She is willing to sacrifice for the good of her children. This true mother was willing to give up her son to keep him alive. A true mother shows unconditional love no matter the cost.
Based on life experiences, we see unsaved mothers be true mothers and sacrifice for their children and love their children unconditionally. However, a saved mother, one who loves the Lord, is a “Translator”.
Translators are mothers who live and proclaim their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. These mothers are Bible translators. It should be the desire of your heart to be a Bible translator. Your family will honor you for being that translator in word and deed as you walk daily with Christ.
Happy Mother’s Day.
7th of May 2017
Scripture for 5/7/17: Luke 17:11-19
This passage tells the story of Christ’s healing ten men with leprosy. Pastor David provided significant information about the disease of leprosy, its history particularly during the time of Jesus and how lepers were ostracised and treated in society and in the Jewish faith at that time. We now know that leprosy is not very contagious and affects very few people but in the time of Jesus it was not well understood and lepers were treated as outcasts of society and considered “unclean” in the Jewish faith meaning they were not permitted to be even close to other humans and could not participate in the synagogues and temples until they were declared “clean” by a Jewish priest. That is the reason Jesus told the ten men to go show themselves to the priests. The surprising thing about that statement was the fact they were not healed yet, but they obviously believed in Jesus and had faith that they would be healed because they did as he directed even though they were not healed at that point.
Pastor David pointed out that these men had some belief and faith in Jesus because they called out to him to have “pity” on them believing that he could heal them or give them some relief. They had a need and Jesus was the only one that could provide what they needed. Of course, Jesus supplied what they needed which was physical healing although not immediately. We too need to meet people's needs as a means to minister to them in the name of Jesus.
But these men also had another need and that was spiritual. We don’t know if they fully believed in Jesus as saviour since the gospel does not tell us but at least one of them came back and thanked Jesus and praised him. This one was also a “Samaritan”, a foreigner, but he, unlike the others, showed his faith by thanking and praising Jesus and Jesus recognized his faith accordingly. We too are to meet the greatest need all mankind has and that is to be saved from our sins, to be reconciled to God and the only way for that to happen is for people to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour and for them to do that they must hear the Gospel which is our responsibility as Christians to make sure the Gospel is spread.
Pastor David ended the sermon by pointing out we should also be thankful to God for his great gift of his son, Jesus, and our faith in Jesus and he challenged each of us to think of five (5) things each day that we are thankful for and thank God for them, very specific and unique things that we enjoy or encounter even in times that may not seem like a time to be thankful.
30th of April 2017
Scripture for 4/30/17: Philippians 2:19-24
In this passage Paul writes from a prison cell that he is sending his strongest follower, Timothy, to spread the word while he cannot do so himself. Paul is praising Timothy and speaking of the strength of his belief in this brief writing. In the first century Christian Church, Paul was clearly the “Rock Star,” the leader that all Christians in many churches wanted to hear. In contrast, his follower Timothy, whose belief was every bit as strong as Paul’s, was considered a “second place” speaker. The lesson herein for Christians is simple; while we cannot all be Paul, but we can, and must, all be like Timothy.
Perhaps we don’t speak well in public, or we are nervous speaking in front of crowds. Perhaps we don’t express ourselves well in written form, whereas Paul clearly had gifts in these areas. There are many reasons that we may not be the “rock star” in our community in terms of sharing the word of Jesus, but we all have a serious responsibility to step up and be a Timothy in our church and our community. The Bible makes it clear that spreading the word is some form is our primary reason for living. Further, the Bible describes several things about Timothy we can consider in our efforts to be like him. First, Timothy shared Paul’s passion for the church and the followers of Jesus. Next, he was a reliable follower who wanted nothing more than to serve the Lord in any capacity necessary. Next, Timothy was willing to deny himself if that became necessary in order to follow Jesus, and do the work of the Lord. Finally, Timothy didn’t mind serving in second place, because he knew clearly who was in first place; While Paul may have been the earthly “Rock Star” in early Christianity, Timothy knew clearly that Jesus is Lord! When we, like Timothy, are rock solid in that belief, we all can become like Timothy!
Questions for Discussion:
Am I like Timothy? Am I willing to serve in second place?
What gifts do I need to use to spread the word of Jesus?
What new tasks should I undertake today, to become more like Timothy?
16th of April 2017
Scripture for 4/16/17: Mark 16:1-8
In this wonderful story of Easter, the women go to the tomb to put spices on Jesus’ body, but they find instead the empty tomb of Jesus. An angel appears in the tomb and tells the women that Jesus has risen. While the Bible doesn’t tell us exactly what the women concluded, we might identify several things. First, with that angel’s message, the women knew that they were in the right place. The angel confirmed that they were in the correct tomb, whereas, had that angel not appeared, the women might have wondered about their directions. Second, the angel confirmed that Jesus’s dead body had, in fact been there. Clearly, the tomb was empty at that point, but Jesus had died and been buried there. At that point, had the angel’s message ended there, the women might have thought someone had stolen the body, perhaps the Romans, to prevent the tomb from becoming a shrine. However, the message did not end at that point. Rather, the angel confirmed that Jesus had risen! While the women had come to the tomb expecting the stench of death, instead, they found God’s messenger, and received the most important, the most critical message in all of history; He is Risen!
This is the cornerstone of the Christian faith, a risen, living Jesus, the son of God who re-established a right relationship between God and Man. He is a living, caring Jesus, who is sitting at the right hand of Almighty God, and intervening every day for each of us. Jesus Christ is Risen! He has risen indeed!
Questions for Discussion:
What wondrous love is this, oh my soul, oh my soul? What wondrous love is this oh my soul?
Do our daily actions reflect this message of the Risen Christ?
9th of April 2017
Scripture for 4/9/17: Luke 19:28-40
Palm Sunday. Jesus entered Jerusalem on colt. The colt was a new colt that had not yet ever been ridden. He rode into Jerusalem as the King of Peace on an animal that symbolizes gentleness. The crowds were expecting a different kind of king. They were thinking of an earthly king. They struggled to understand that Jesus was much greater than an earthly ruler.
The claim of Jesus was very intensely insistence. Despite the threat of His life, he courageously and triumphantly entered Jerusalem. As He entered the city, the disciples began to shout “Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord” and “Peace in heaven and glory in the highest”.
Some Pharisees in the crowd asked Jesus to quiet the disciples. Jesus tells the Pharisees that if those that are shouting were to stop that the stones would cry out.
Central truth – We were created to worship. If we do not worship Christ Jesus, it will still happen. On that day of the crucifixion, the masses did not worship, but nature did. The sun hid its face and the heavens split. Worship took place!
Oh How He Loves You and Me!!!
Questions for Discussion:
Why did He do it?
2nd of April 2017
Scripture for 4/2/17: Luke 18:35-43
In this familiar passage, a story told in all of the synoptic gospels, a blind man called out to Jesus for help. The man sought both a spiritual blessing (we know this because his call showed that he recognized from the very first that Jesus was the Christ), and a physical blessing (a cure for his blindness). Jesus praised his faith, and then granted his wish. This lesson can be compared with the blind spots in our lives—areas in which our sin seems hidden from us, or areas in which we chose to believe we can hide our sinful choices from God. We can use the actions of the blind man in this story as our guide, to carefully repair the blind spots in our spiritual life. First, the blind man wanted a change—he requested both a spiritual and a physical blessing of the only person who could grant that request. Of course, this forces us to question ourselves: Do we really want our blind spots gone?
Next, the blind man in the story did not wait for ideal circumstances to make his request of Jesus. He shouted the request out, over the other voices and even the objections of some in the crowd. He did not allow his fear of possible rejection stop him from shouting to Jesus with his request. Finally, he was not distracted—he persisted in his shouting, until Jesus returned to him, and spoke with him. It is not an overstatement to say that this blind man fought against all odds to gain Jesus’ attention.
The result was that not only did the blind man receive his sight, but he and all others in that crowd received a spiritual blessing. Many persons saw this and believed in Jesus’ love and power in that instant, and Almighty God was praised through Jesus’ actions, all because of the belief and the persistence of this blind man.
Questions for Discussion:
Do we want our blind spots gone?
Do our blind spots prevent us from approaching God, or do we have the courage of this blind man?
Are we as persistent as the blind man in this story?
26th of March 2017
Scripture for 3/26/17: Romans 5:8
As we approach Easter Sunday, we celebrated communion Sunday, David spoke on the meaning of the cross for Christians; the horrible, beautiful cross. The cross on which Jesus suffered was the most horrid, torturous death that the mighty Roman Empire could devise. Even a moment’s reflection on that death tells us of the pain and suffering Jesus’ endured for our sins, as he took the sins of the world upon his shoulders. However, the beautiful nature of the cross is the reality that Jesus chose to do this for us, his followers. His passion, his love for us could never be shown in a more dramatic fashion. Even when Christ called to God to “remove this cup from me,” he nevertheless chose to complete God’s will through his sacrifice. As many have said, the true understanding of this lesson is not that Jesus chose to go to the cross; the true meaning is that he chose to stay on the cross for us. A debt for the sin of the world had to be paid, and Jesus’ suffering shows the perfect mix of justice and mercy represented by the cross. Justice demanded respect for God’s law, and the debt for sin had to be paid. Still this is a story of great beauty, of love and mercy for us all.
Questions for Discussion:
As we approach the Easter season, how can we better understand the meaning of the Cross?
How can we reflect, each day, each moment, on the profound horror, and beauty represented by the cross?
19th of March 2017
Scripture for 3/19/17: II Corinthians 12:8-10
Grace stands for God's riches at Christ's expense.
We learned Sunday that God gave Paul his thorn in the flesh to remind him he needed God as much as every other man needed him, this kept Paul grounded. Paul asked the Lord three times to take the thorn away and God impressed on his servant that his grace is sufficient. Grace was not given to alleviate this affliction ! Paul understood that one Grace was denied but another was supplied . Grace makes that which seems impossible possible. The same Grace available to the church in Corinth is available to us today, not always as much as we want or ask for but he knows what we need and it's perfect. Prayers for healing can be denied while sustaining grace is supplied, for our good and for his glory. Amen
12th of March 2017
Scripture for 3/12/17: Colossians 1:15-23
In this sermon, we are challenged with several questions. Where do we place our priorities during our routine day? What false gods do we really worship with our time and our attention? Perhaps we worship money, or social standing. Perhaps we worship our family time. The things we spend our time on, the things we really focus on, can become false idols, even when they are things—like family and children—that really do deserve our time and energy. The Bible passage makes several points about our need to remain focused on worshiping God. First, we were created to worship the Almighty. Given how mankind was made, we will always worship something. The question is not, “Do we worship,” but rather “What do we worship with our time and attention?” Only when God is our main focus, can we fulfill our other obligations to family, our job, or our church. Next, sin will always tend to redirect our worship, toward worldly concerns. We must not let the “things” of this world become our main focus in life. Rather, our main focus must be worship of God. Finally, Jesus’ sacrifice has restored our ability to worship God. He took on our sin and thus restored our worshipful relationship with God. His love for us opened once again the possibility of true worship.
Questions for Discussion:
What do my daily activities show that I worship?
What are the false gods in my life?
How do I spend my time, and what does that suggest about what or who I worship?
5th of March 2017
Scripture for 3/5/17: Galations 5:19-25
In this passage, Paul is writing to the Galatians on how to walk with God. In another sense, Paul is telling us how to know if we are following God’s path for our lives. Paul first describes various categories of sin in his list of “acts of the flesh.” These show a false relationship or an impure relationship with God, and even though someone may appear to be Christian, if these sins are evident, their relationship with God is not pure. However, Paul then tells us of the “fruits of the spirit” that result from a true relationship with God—things like love, peace, joy, patience, kindness and several others. These will be evident when we are truly walking with the Lord. Thus, the litmus test of one’s belief in Christ is what is evident in our life. Do we show acts of the flesh or fruits of the spirit?
Questions for Discussion:
What is the measure of a man, in God’s sight?
What am I showing to the world: Acts of the flesh or fruits of the spirit?
26th of February 2017
Scripture for 2/26/17: Phillipians 1:12-18
This was a special service because it was the final service during our Discipleship Now weekend for teenagers in our community. The lesson this morning stressed that true joy in life comes through living for Christ and not oneself, even during challenges in life. First Ms. Madeline Ray shared her testimony about her medical challenges and the fact that each stroke she has had during her teenage years brought her closer to God. Next, Brett Sanders shared this scripture from Philippians. This scripture was written while Paul was in prison, but he was not complaining. Rather, he was encouraging other Christians by sharing the idea that his imprisonment led to an opportunity for him to preach Christianity to his jailers. Brett used the analogy of a soft-drink in a can; when shaken pressure builds up, followed by an eruption of the contents. He urged us all to fill ourselves with the love of Jesus, such that when pressure builds in our life for whatever reason, our love for Jesus will erupt! When we are filled with Christ, as Paul was, any diversity will become a time for testimony for Jesus.
Questions for Discussion:
How do we respond to pressure in our lives?
When we are under pressure do we simply complain, or do others see our love for Jesus?
12th of February 2017
Scripture for 2/12/17: Mathew 5:13-16
In this scripture we have the words of Jesus to his followers, speaking of how those followers should interact with and influence others. Pastor David said that a one word synopsis of this scripture would be the word “Influence.” Jesus first speaks of “salt” as an influence on the flavoring of all dishes. Likewise we should influence others at all times in our walk with the Lord. Jesus next speaks of his followers as the “Light of the world,” and this is a good definition of Christian Character. In the same way that light does many things--guides, exposes, protects--Christians are to be the light of the world, by guiding others, exposing wrongs, protecting all. We must do this wherever we are—church, job, discussions with friends, or weekend relaxation activities. Christian character is not to be limited to church alone, but Christians should be the light of the world in every situation and life circumstance. Finally, Pastor David pointed out that Christians are “unavoidable witnesses” for our Lord. We cannot avoid being a witness, and when our light shines brightly, we honor God. However, when our light is dim, we are also witnessing for the Lord, we are merely doing it poorly. Christians are always God’s witnesses so we must shine brightly at all times, everywhere! In this way, we can stir others to glorify God. The glory of God must be the primary aim of all believers.
Questions for Discussion:
Has our “salt” lost its flavor?
Does my light shine brightly for Almighty God?
What can I do to brighten my light for God?
5th of February 2017
Scripture for 2/5/17: Genesis 5:24
This scripture speaks of Enoch walking with the Lord, and Pastor David explored what a walk with the Lord really means. First of all, it means walking in God’s direction, and submitting to him. Second, we must walk in God’s pace. This involves being patient with God’s pace, as we considered in the sermon last week. God’s timing is perfect and ours is not, so we must set our pace to his. Third, walking with God means we must desire and experience companionship with God. God must be our daily, our moment-by-moment partner and guide in life. He is always with us and never leaves us. Finally, to walk with God means that we arrive at the destination which God desires for us, both in this world and the next. Walking with God means faith in his grace as made manifest in Jesus, our Lord, which assures our journey to the final destination of heaven in God’s presence. Further, this walk with God, and only this walk, allows us to reach our earthly destination also, a full life of righteousness and companionship with God. Only this type of living allows us to experience that fullness of life along with Paul, who wrote, “I have fought the good fight.”
Questions for Discussion:
Are we spiritually in the shape that God desires for our life?
Are we, like Enoch and Paul, walking with the Lord?
29th of January 2017
Scripture for 1/29/17: Matthew 24:13 and Luke 8:15
These scripture verses speak of perseverance and standing firm in our faith. The tell us about Christian patience. In our daily interactions and our daily walk with God, patience is a critical virtue; indeed it is the fourth fruit of the spirit. Christians must practice patience in several ways. First, patience with ourselves is critical, but Christian patience is not mere apathy in the face of worldly events. Christian patience is an active seeking, a working movement toward accomplishing God’s will, and when a door closes on progress in one area, Christian patience demands that we begin action consonant with Gods’ will in another area. Apathy--doing nothing--is not Christian patience.
The second patience expected is patience with the church. When a church seems to be moving into a different path, or worse yet, not moving at all, patience may be required. When forms of worship change, or decisions by the church are made that we might disagree with, Christians must be patient with those changes, firm in our knowledge that God’s Will shall prevail. In that sense, Christian patience shows our faith in the Almighty’s plan.
The third patience we must demonstrate is patience with God. Sometimes we cannot see why things happen the way they do. Sometimes we question horrible events—the death of an innocent child, or challenging changes in our family, but as Christians we know that God still rules all existence. While God’s timing is perfect, we sometimes do not see or understand that perfection, and thus, we must show patience, while continuing to be active in God’s work.
Questions for Discussion:
When have we been impatient with ourselves or with those in our families?
Have I ever been impatient with the church?
Do I actively practice Christian patience?
22nd of January 2017
Scripture for 1/22/17: Psalms 32:8, Matthew 6:26 and 10:29-30
Almighty God knows all things. As both the scripture, and an old, beloved hymn tells us, “His eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me.” God sees and knows what we are going through, our thoughts, feelings, and actions, when no one else does. The discussion today showed that this is both a sobering reality and a comforting truth. Sometimes we fall into the trap of believing that if we don’t get caught in our sins that we are OK. We might not even ask forgiveness for particular sins, if we believe that no one knows of the sin. However, the sobering reality, a fearful truth, is that God sees all and knows all, including all of our sins, even when no one else does. For we know that all fall short of the glory of God, and that the wages of sin is death. However, the good news of the gospel is that Almighty God has shown mercy and grace for all believers, and in that grace lay our redemption. Though we all sin in many ways each day, God’s sacrifice of his only son, Jesus, paid our debt for our sin, and that is the comforting truth of God’s all seeing nature. God knows all of our sin, but in Jesus Christ, God showed his unending love for all. Every Christian should feel the joy of that comforting truth moment by moment. We should pray daily, to thank God for that grace, and the peace that God’s all seeing nature brings.
Our Christmas music this year spoke of that comforting truth, in two beautiful lines:.
“The one who knows my heart, the one who loves me still…”
Questions for Discussion:
Do I sense that God’s all knowing nature is a burden?
Do I sometimes hope to hide from God?
Do I find comfort in the comforting truth that God knows every corner of my soul, thoughts, feelings, and actions, and loves me still?
15th of January 2017
Scripture for 1/15/17: I John 2:28 - 3:3
Today’s lesson is on Christian Hope, the hope found only in Jesus Christ. In I Corinthians 13, the Bible tells us of faith, hope, and love, and the greatest of these is love. It sometimes seems that faith and love are discussed most often, but hope is both critical and fundamental in the Christian’s life. First, hope means that we “abide” in him so that we may be confident and unashamed when Jesus comes again. Next, our hope must be demonstrated in our righteousness, our zeal to do God’s work. Third, Christian hope is based in love—God’s love for us that he would send his son to take upon himself our sin. Fourth, Christian hope, our hope, must create in us a desire to be Christlike. While on Earth we must seek to act as Christ would act, while realizing that we will all fall far short of that goal. The Bible assures us that, one day in Heaven we will all be made whole in him. Our perfection will rest in Christ on that day. Finally, on this earth, our hope must create in us a zeal for purity, that we may seek to become Christlike in every way—pure in spirit and in truth. Again we will fall short, of this goal, but we must strive to move toward it. In these five things, one can understand the power of Christian hope. We should all pray daily for this depth of hope within ourselves.
Questions for Discussion:
Am I, today, experiencing this profound hope?
Do I feel a craving to be like Jesus in all my thoughts and actions?
8th of January 2017
Scripture for 1/8/17: Ephesians 5:15-17
This brief scripture lesson holds important guidance for living a Christian life. Ephesus in the first century was a town of commerce, international trade, a wide variety of false gods, and idolatry. There was much evil in Ephesus, and Paul’s words offered guidance to Jesus’s followers in that city, just as they offer guidance to us today. In this passage, Paul is reminding the followers of Jesus to walk carefully in the way of the Lord. First Christians must watch every step in order to travel wisely along the narrow way of God’s path, because as the passage points out there is much evil in the world. Next he cautions the followers to “redeem the time,” by using every opportunity to spread the word of God, wasting not a single chance to do God’s will. Third, Paul urges Christians to know and understand the word of the Lord; for only in such knowledge can the followers of Jesus live wisely. These three points help to ground Christians today in the will of God, so we might walk his path with confidence, wasting not a single opportunity to share his word.
Questions for Discussion:
Am I, today, redeeming the time God has given me? Do I use every opportunity to spread the
word of God?
Do I actively seek God’s will in prayer, so that my knowledge of his word can be shared with
1st of January 2017 - New Year's Day!!
Scripture for 1/1/17: Nehemiah 1:1-4 2:1-6
We found from the sermon on Sunday January 1st that Nehemiah was a man of action! After questioning his friend Hanani after his return to Judah, he learned the state of the remnant that had survived the exile as well as the city of Jerusalem. The news distressed him so much that he spent several days fasting and praying about it. In chapter two we learn that Nehemiah developed a plan for action for his problem. He petitioned the King Artaxerxes to let him leave and return to Judah to rebuild Jerusalem's wall and burned gates. After over a century of lying in ruin, Jerusalem was to be rebuilt due to one man's prayers and actions!
Questions for Discussion:
What problems are there in your life that you need to follow Nehemiah' example in addressing?
What do you think of the steps that Nehemiah took from recognizing the problem to its' solution?
What steps are you struggling with most in making sure you solve problems in your daily life?
25th of December 2016 - Christmas Day!!
Scripture for 12/25/16: Luke 2:1-20
Today we celebrated the last and final Sunday in advent and the lighting of the Christ candle. How special it was for us to worship at our Sunday service on Christmas Day! Not surprisingly the sermon focused on the scriptures from Luke describing the day Jesus Christ was born and the fact that in connection with our Advent wreath and advent candles it is no surprise that the white Christ candle is located in the center of the wreath surrounded by the other candles which describe the tremendous promises that Christians enjoy as a result of the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. In the past weeks we have looked at Mary and Joseph and how the birth of Jesus affected their lives so this week we heard about the shepherds and the angels. Although they were lowly in societal status the shepherds were the first to learn of the birth of Jesus from the angels and although they were terrified by the appearance of the angels they heard, and more importantly, believed the “good news” that the angels told them about concerning the birth and where the child could be found in Bethlehem. They immediately responded and sought out the Christ child and after finding him and Mary and Joseph they returned to where they were from and “spread the word” about what they had been told and seen “praising and glorifying God”. The point for us is the same, we must hear (and study the Word), believe, respond by accepting Christ as Lord and Savior and then go and tell others the “Good News”. This is the hope of the Gospel.